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Periodontology, a branch of dentistry that examines the diseases and health conditions of soft (gingival) and hard (alveolar bones) tissues that surround and support teeth and implants, aims to protect the health obtained after diagnosis and treatment of diseases developing in these tissues.  Our periodontology clinic provides the treatment of these diseases developed around the teeth and implants with both non-surgical and surgical applications, and provides an instrument for regaining them to the mouth by performing implant operations instead of the missing teeth.

The first and most important symptom of gum diseases is gum bleeding, which occurs spontaneously or when brushing. However, swelling, redness, gingival recession, increased tooth sensitivity in areas with gingival recession, flow of inflammation between the teeth and gums, bad breath, displacement of the teeth can occur. In more advanced cases, tooth loss may be faced with.

Our treatments are primarily aimed to ensure healthy oral hygiene. These treatments are provided by non-surgical methods. When necessary, surgical methods (with conventional methods or laser usage) can be applied.  

In addition to gingivitis treatments, treatments such as implant, implant diseases and implant-related advanced treatments, treatments for gum growths, treatments for gum recessions, treatments of high and abnormal muscle connections, regenerative periodontal surgery and gummy smile (pink aesthetic) treatments are applied.

After detailed diagnosis and treatment planning, with a holistic treatment approach specific to the individual most suitable for the general health conditions and oral conditions of our patients, the elimination of irregularities and deficiencies in the color and structure of the gums, pink aesthetics, the treatment of gingival recession, treatment of bone loss that can develop in different structures, tooth sensitivity treatment, bad breath treatment and dental implant applications of missing dental areas are also performed and rehabilitation of mouth ensured.

Our clinic, which provides the highest opportunities of technology and science with its expert dentists and team, provides services using ultrasonic instruments, advanced hand tools, dental laser and piezo-surgical technologies.

What Are Gum Diseases, How to Understand Its Symptoms?

Gum diseases involved a wide range from a simple gingivitis to severe infections (periodontisis), in which the osteoporosis of the jawbone and the teeth are lost. With diseases, the gums can swell, bleed, recessed, grow tooth lengths, bad breath occur, replace the teeth, their gaps are opened and eventually the teeth are lost. Gum bleeding, which is one of the most important symptoms of gum diseases is occurs spontaneously or when brushing teeth and eating hard foods.

What Is The Appearance of Microbial Dental Plaque?

Since the microbial dental plaque has the same color as the tooth, it is very difficult to detect by eye. The structure of the plaque is soft, it can easily remove from the tooth surface with the use of toothbrushes and floss. If this microbial plaque is not cleaned, it calcified and hardened within a few days and “tartar” is formed. The rough structure of the tartar causes the plaque to accumulate faster and more. Thus, inflammation progresses more quickly.

How To Diagnose The Gum Diseases?

These diseases are usually chronic diseases. Although the disease exists, it may not go noticed for a while. If the gums are bleeding and growing, if there are gingival recession, teeth growth, change of tooth location and shaking of the teeth, a bad taste in mouth and bad breath, a gum disease specialist should be visited.

Are There Other Causes Of Gum Disease?

As is known, the most important factor is microbial dental plaque; however, some systemic, environmental and hereditary factors are also risk factors for the development of the disease.

Is There A Relationship Between Gum Diseases And Systemic Diseases?

Periodontal diseases are significant risk factor in heart and lung diseases, diabetes and early birth/low birth weight development. The developmental mechanisms of heart diseases and periodontal diseases are similar, and both diseases occur more frequently in older age, men, low socio-cultural level, smokers, high blood pressure and stressed individuals. The studies show that people with oral infections have 25 percent more heart attacks than individuals without infection.

Microorganisms causing periodontal disease and harmful substances they release play an important role in diabetes. In patients with diabetes that are not under control, more periodontic diseases have been detected in scientific studies, compared to controlled diabetes patients with the same oral hygiene level. With periodontal treatment, blood sugar, diabetes, is also easier to control.

Inhalation of microorganisms that are effective in periodontal disease or the collection of these microorganisms in the respiratory tract causes lung diseases to develop. Microorganisms and harmful substances that are effective in periodontal disease pose a threat to the fetus-placenta unit. The small age of the mother (under 18 years old) is the risk factors in the development of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes usage, stress, genetic, genitourinary system infections, periodontal disease, premature birth/low birth weight.

Medikation Usage Can Cause The Gum Diseases?

Medications are used for treatment of various systemic diseases can result in growth in gums. It is known that smoking is a risk factor for increased bone loss in periodontal diseases and reduces tissue response to periodontal therapies. In patients who smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day, it was reported that the success rate of gum disease treatment decreased. This is attributed to the effect of smoking on vascularization, impairing the function of defense cells, affecting collagen synthesis and altering the inflammatory response.

 Periodontal operations can only concern the gums or all the tissues surrounding the teeth. If the disease concerns only the gums, the enlarged gums are cut off and removed from the mouth, and a different operation is performed when it progresses to the deep tissues and osteoporosis occurs.  Gums are removed, inflamed tissues are cleaned, bone is corrected or various biomaterials are applied to form new bone. Then the gums are placed and suture to cover the bone and the tissue is left to heal. After a week or two, the sutures are removed. After the operation, checks are required at intervals of three to six months. With the treatment, the inflammation is eliminated, the progression of the disease is prevented, an oral environment where the patient can clean themself effectively, and the use of biomaterials ensures the restructuring of the tissues destroyed as a result of the disease. As a result of all this, people keep their natural teeth in their mouths to function for many years.

What Is Obtained As A  Result Of Treatment?

After treatment, the teeth get clean, the gums are in light pink color, have a firm consistency and without bleeding.  If there is a very advanced bone destruction due to the disease, the length of the teeth may grow after the operation.  However, the tissues that support the teeth are healthy. The technical improvements we have today are capable of solving almost all periodontal problems.  However, if the amount of bone remaining around the tooth is at the appropriate level for treatment, tooth extraction is also included in the treatment plan.

The success of periodontal surgery depends on many factors. There are some patient-related reasons that reduce the success of periodontal surgery.  There are some patient reasons that reduce the success of periodontal surgery. Examples include: diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, some mental disorders, blood diseases immune system disorders, cortisone use and radiation therapy can be given. In each patient, the healing capacity of the gums and bone is different. In addition, meticulous care, tooth brushing and interface cleaning to be applied to the wound area after the operation are critical to the success of the treatment.  

What Is The Duration Of Treatment?

Depending on the severity of the disease, it can range from three to six months. After treatment, it is necessary to carry out regular controls by the dentist every 3-6 months.

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