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Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of tooth pulp (living tissue containing veins and nerves inside the tooth) and the tissues surrounding the tooth, focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and pulp tissue injuries of these diseases.

In general, the purpose of endodontics is to protect our patient’s natural teeth as much as possible and to keep them in the mouth. In addition, we provide emergency treatment for patients with severe pain and swelling.

DT GROUP CLINICS performs root canal treatments on teeth where tooth pulp and surrounding tissues are damaged due to trauma, fracture, advanced caries and infection, as well as vital pulp treatments which aimed to maintain the vitality of the tooth and regeneration therapies which aimed to create a new living tissue inside the root.

Our Endodontics Specialist in the field continues his treatments with the help of digital radiography in clinics with high-tech equipment. In addition, when necessary, it evaluates dental and surrounding tissues in 3-D using advanced imaging techniques with “Dental Volumetric Tomography”.

Services provided in our clinic; Root canal treatment includes root canal retreatment, endodontic surgery, vital pulp treatments and pulp regeneration.

What Is Endodontics?

On the inner part of the tooth there are small vessels and nerves (pulp tissue), which are important in the nutrition and protection of dental tissues. The pulp starts from the crown part of the tooth and continues to the end of the root. The branch of science that concerns with the treatment of diseases caused by these tissues is “endodontics”.

Until recently, inflamed teeth were predicted to be removed. Although there are not very big changes in the basis of treatment methods; rapid progress in imaging (X-ray) devices, further development of the tools used in the canal with rapidly advancing technology allow the teeth to be treated at the present time.

How May Becomes Inflamed The Pulp Tissue And How Can Be Treated?

Due to untreated deep dentin caries and severe blows to the teeth, the pulp tissue of the tooth may become inflamed. After this inflammation, there may be very severe pains that start spontaneously in the tooth, and due to these factors, pulp tissue may lose its vitality without pain. In both cases, the tooth needs to be treated. In such cases, “root canal treatment” should be applied. The purpose of this treatment is to fill the remaining cavity (pulp cavity) with tissue-friendly substances after removal of the inflamed pulp tissue. “root canal treatment” is a treatment method performed under local anesthesia with a success rate of over 90 percent. Treated teeth can function in the mouth for many years after their upper filling is also done.

During treatment, radiography is taken at certain stages, to make sure that the tooth can reach to the end of the root, and the root canal is filled to the end of the root and the treatment is completed.

Which Symptoms Indicate That The Teeth Have Pulp Tissue Problem?

Discoloration in the teeth, hypersensitivity to cold or heat, spontaneous pain that occurs especially at night, and swelling caused by the abscess on the face are clinical symptoms that indicate a problem with pulp tissue.

Can Occur The Discoloration In The Canal Treated Teeth and Can Discoloration Be Fixed?

As a result of trauma or root canal treatment, teeth can get brown, pink or gray color. If the cause of discoloration is trauma, canal treatment is performed first; then the whitening process can be applied. If the discoloration occurs after the canal treatment, it should be decided whether to repeat the canal treatment by taking an X-ray first. If there is no problem with the treatment of the canal; the discolored tooth can be restored to be reached its old whiteness by whitening the tooth intra-channel.

Can Pain Occur During The Treatment?

Canal treatment is a painless treatment under local anesthesia. Therefore, pain is unexpected during treatment. However, in some cases a situation called “acute exacerbation” can be appeared after treatment. The frequency of this case which this table occurs is almost nonexistent. However, the patient should be informed about such a condition before treatment. After the treatment is completed, a very slight pain can be felt when the effect of anesthesia passes. But this pain will be disappeared soon. Painkiller drugs can be used if necessary. In addition, slight pain may be occurred during chewing on the tooth. This situation will be disappeared also in short time.

What Should Be Considered In a Tooth That Has Been Treated With Root Canal Treatment?

After the treatment is completed, great attention should be taken not to chew on that tooth until the upper filling of the tooth is completed. After the filling is completed, this tooth will participate in the chewing process like other teeth in the mouth. These teeth can mostly function for many years as healthy as other teeth in the mouth.

After root canal treatment, a new blow to the tooth, a breakage of the upper filling or a deep fracture may develop in the tooth. In this case, if the treatment is renewable, the root canal treatment can be repeated by the dentist and the tooth can be kept in the mouth for longer.

What Are The Benefits of Root Canal Treatment?

Due to inflammation of the pulp tissue, very severe pains or lesions may develop at the root end, which can lead to the loss of teeth. Canal treatment allows these teeth to function in the mouth for many years, chewing and aesthetically. It is often preferred because it can be applied easily as a treatment and can be performed without causing great discomfort to the patient.

It is a great advantage that there is a much more economical treatment method than tooth bridgework or implant treatment, which may be needed after the loss of untreated tooth. Therefore, it would be a huge mistake to consider the tooth extraction without trying the possibility of treatment.

Canal treatment is a treatment that can be applied by all dentists in our country and all around the world. People who have done “Postgraduate Education” in this regard can assume the academic title of “endodontists”. Freelance dentists work in collaboration with endodontists to provide the best treatment for their patients.

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

On the inner part of the tooth there are small vessels and nerves (pulp tissue), which are important for the nutrition and protection of dental tissues. In cases where these tissues are damaged, pulp tissue is removed with the help of small tools, this cavity which takes place at the inside of the tooth is cleaned and filled in with various health-compatible root filling materials imperviously. This procedure, which aims to keep the tooth in the mouth without the need of tooth extraction, is called ‘Canal Treatment’.

What Can Be Occurred If The Required Root Canal Treatment Is Not Performed?

On the inner part of the tooth there are small vessels and nerves (pulp tissue), which are important in the nutrition and protection of dental tissues. When the nerve tissue of a tooth, i.e. its pulp, is damaged by caries, trauma etc. and bacterial overgrowth can be occurred in this cavity. Before this stage progresses, root canal treatment is required for the tooth. The bacterial overgrowth can lead to infection or abscesses. The treatment delay can lead to bone and tooth loss with the increase of inflammation in the teeth roots.

When Should Root Canal Treatment Be Done?

Root canal treatment is performed in cases where the tooth nerve is damaged as a result of some traumas with complaints such as discoloration in the tooth, hypersensitivity to cold or heat, spontaneous pain that starts at night and swelling caused by abscesses on the face.

Which Points Should Be Considered After The Root Canal Treatment?

After the root canal treatment is completed, such as one of the considered points is not to chew on that tooth until the upper filling of the tooth is done. Sticky foods such as gum and marshmallows should be avoided. However, brushing and cleaning should be continued carefully in this area. After the filling is completed, this tooth will participate in the chewing process like other teeth in the mouth. During this time, your dentist can prevent excessive tooth load by corrosion of the chewing surface so as to protect your tooth.

When Should The Root Canal Treatment Be Renewed?

In cases of a new blow to the tooth after root canal treatment, a breakage of the upper filling, a deep fracture or crack, insufficient old root canal treatment, a re-infection may develop in the tooth. In this case, if the treatment can be renewed, the canal treatment can be repeated and the tooth is kept in the mouth for longer.

Persistency Of Root Canal Treatment

After successful and adequate root canal treatment, the tooth should be able to function as healthy and long-lasting, just like other teeth in the mouth, as long as it does not get traumatized or cracked.

Can Root Canal Treatment Cause The Pain?

Canal treatment is a procedure to relieve pain, which is often caused by inflammation. In the root canal treatment process, since the nerve tissue called ‘pulp’ that receives the warnings to the tooth will be removed from the tooth, complaints such as cold and hot sensitivity should not occur after the root canal treatment is completed. Although it is normal to feel sensitivity or discomfort in the relevant area for a short period of time after root canal treatment, it will be better when the dentist see the relevant tooth again in long-term complaints.

Can I Go Back To Work After Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a procedure that is often performed with local anesthesia that only by anesthetized the relevant area. After the procedure, the patient can return to his/her daily routine activities, with taking care not to bite his tongue and cheek until the feeling of lethargy passes due to anesthesia. However, if there are cases of swelling, abscesses, trauma, severe pain, etc. before canal treatment, these complaints may not pass immediately after root canal treatment. During this time, the patient may need to rest.

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