Oral Dental and jaw surgery is the department that applies the necessary diagnosis and treatment methods for the correction of diseases, injuries and disorders of hard and soft tissues in the mouth, teeth and jaw regions of individuals at all age range. Within the scope of the study;
In addition to healthy individuals, individuals with special care needs, chronic systemic diseases, physical and/or mental disabilities also benefit from the examination, treatment and follow-up services of the Department of Oral, Dental and Jaw Surgery.
The first examinations, diagnosis and treatment planning of our patients who apply for treatments related to oral dental and jaw surgery are carried out by the oral dental and jaw surgery specialist. After the treatment planning of our patient is completed, the treatment procedures required can be performed in our clinic.
The treatments of our patients who cannot adapt to dental treatments due to physical and/or mental disability, who have fear of dentists, who cannot be co-operated, who have syndrome, are planned for the day in the hospital preferred by the patient and performed under intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. These treatments are performed by an anesthesiologist and oral, dental and jaw surgeon in operating room conditions.
According to the requirements of our patients whose treatment has been completed, a control session is made and treatment follow-up is carried out in certain periods that the specialist dentist consider appropriate.
What Is Dental Surgery?
It is a department that performs the diagnosis and surgery of all kinds of disorders regarding soft tissue (cheek, palate, tongue, lip) and hard tissues (teeth, bones) in the oral cavity by performing operations in the operating room under local anesthesia, general anesthesia or sedation anesthesia.
How Are Oral Surgical Procedures Performed?
Oral surgery is performed in operating room conditions in a sterile area by people who are expert in this field. Intraocular surgical interventions performed mostly by injecting local anesthesia, i.e. the relevant area, can sometimes be performed by general anesthesia (anaesthesia) or sedation method.
What Are Dental Implants?
Implants are described as artificial roots that made from titanium or ceramic, known as tissue-friendly material that best imitates the natural tooth to the missing area to eliminate tooth deficiency of patients who have lost their teeth for any reason.
Can Anyone Be Treated With Dental Implants?
YES, the most important criteria when implanting is that there should not be any systemic disorder that will prevent the bonding of implant with the bone and there is sufficient bone support in the area where the implant will be made. However, a systemic disease that can prevent healing, such as diabetes, can be an obstacle for implant.
Is A Surgical Preparation Required In The Mouth Before Prosthesis Is Made?
Although not in every patient, it may be necessary to perform a surgical intervention before the prosthesis in some patients. Especially in patients who lost their teeth a long time ago there may not be a bone area in the mouth where the prosthesis will sit. Sometimes the old prosthesis can cause damages or some tissue irregularities in the mouth. Therefore, it will not be possible to take a healthy measurement and make a suitable prosthesis without correcting them.
What Is Wisdom Tooth?
Wisdom teeth are the third largest molars located at the back of the tooth alignment. These teeth, which usually erupt in their twenties, often partially exit (continue) or remain impacted in the jawbone due to reasons such as shortness of space in the jaw, deviation in the eruption position or bone density in the relevant area.
Should Every Impacted Wisdom Tooth Be Extracted?
NO, wisdom teeth that have been completely occured in the mouth do not need to be pulled out if they are easily cleanable and there is no deep caries on them. However, wisdom teeth that cannot be cleaned comfortably with floss and brush, have caries on them in an incurable condition and grow towards the cheek or tongue, causing the person to involuntarily bite the cheek and tongue, need to be pulled out.
Does Every Wisdom Tooth Cause Crooked Teeth In The Front Of The Mouth?
NO, there is also people with crooked teeth who do not have wisdom tooth. Because all our teeth tend to move forward. Contact disorders between incisors are inconsistency. To correct this, treatment is planned and wisdom teeth should be pulled out if all teeth are to be moved back.
What Are The Procedures To Be Performed After Tooth Extraction?
The tampon placed on the area where the tooth extraction is done to stop the bleeding. Therefore, it is necessary to bite the tampon for half an hour. In addition, care should be taken not to consume very hot foods, alcohol-cigarettes and acidic beverages for 24 hours. At night after tooth extraction, a pillow should be high for sleep and aspirin or similar drugs should not be used as painkillers, and medications recommended by the doctor should be used. If a surgical tooth extraction or a difficult extraction has been performed, ice should be applied intermittently from the outside to the area where the extraction has performed. Ice should not be applied directly to the skin.
Points To Consider After Surgical Tooth Extraction
If you complain of high fever, bleeding mixed with saliva 4-5 days after tooth extraction are still present, bad breath smell, painful redness, swelling after tooth extraction, contact with your dentist immediately.
In the Mouth; Does Every Swelling or Discoloration In The Tongue, Cheek, Under The Tongue, Palate Indicate A Dangerous Disease?
NO, one of the first places where the initial signs of many disorders in the body are seen is in the mouth. Therefore, such initial signs should be followed and if there is a serious indication of discomfort, treatment should be started promptly.
Should The Tooth That Has Cyst At The End Of The Root Always Be Extracted?
NO, cysts formed at the root ends of the teeth can be treated without the need for tooth extraction if they are in the initial stage. For this purpose, root canal treatment is applied to such teeth first, and then the problem is eliminated by surgical intervention to the end of the root under local anesthesia and the tooth is kept in the mouth for a long time.
Should Unerupted Teeth Always Be Extracted?
One of the main branches of jaw surgery is orthodontics (correction of crooked teeth). The buried, i.e. unerupted teeth are surgically treated and connected to a brace and be erupted over time to where they should be.
What Should Be Done If One Of The Molar Teeth in the Upper Jaw Has Been Extracted, The Place Can Not Heal and The Food Eaten Comes From the Nose?
The roots of the molar teeth in the upper jaw are very close to the cavity called the sinus and may be located through this cavity. After extraction, the sinus can be opened to the oral environment. This can both make a smell and cause a wound that does not heal. In order to close this gap and improve the place of tooth extraction, it is necessary to immediately consult a jaw surgeon.
What Should Be Done When Any Blow To the Mouth, Jaw And Face Area Occur?
If there is no cerebral damage, the patient should be referred to a jaw surgery specialist for suspected fractures to the mouth, jaw and facial bones. Necessary radiological examinations should be performed and radiologic treatment should be started promptly if there is a fracture in the jaw.
What Is The Most Important Mistake Made In the Treatment Of Tooth-Abscesses (Infections)?
Tooth abscesses appear in the mouth or outside of the mouth as inflamed swellings. These inflamed swellings should be opened surgically immediately and the inflammation in them should be emptied. The patient often tries to treat themselves using only antibiotics, this situation makes the treatment difficult because the abscess is not drained out of the mouth.
What Is General Anesthesia (Anaesthesia) And Sedation?
General anesthesia is the type of anesthesia in which the patient is given intravenous drugs and anaesthetic gas to provide anesthetic state. It is mostly preferred in patients with fear and anxiety, in people with mental disabilities and in cases where local anesthesia is not enough. Sedation is anesthesia in which the patient is provided with only intravenous drugs and sleeps. Sedation has not any drug effect; therefore, local anesthesia is also performed on the patients in order to numb the area to be performed surgery.
What Are The Routine Considerations After Tooth Extraction?
The tampon placed on the relevant area should be bitten tightly for 30 minutes, the tampon should not be changed and then should not be put back in again unless otherwise said by specialist.
After the operation, nothing should be eaten and drunk for 2 hours (except for the drugs given), only warm and soft foods should be preferred on the first day after the end of 2 hours (puree). The consumption of very hot, granulated, acidic, hard food should be avoided.
Alcohol and cigarettes should not be used for the first 24 hours. Smoking can cause the deterioration of clot that occurs in the operation area and the then wound area can become inflamed.
It is considered normal for bleeding to continue in the form of a mild leakage for 6 to 24 hours. Accumulated blood should not be spitted, it should be swallowed. However, if there is excessive bleeding or if the specified time has been exceeded, put a tampon in the bleeding area, bite and then consult your specialist dentist.
Following the operation, conditions such as pain, swelling of the face, bruising of the skin, limitation of the mouth opening can be observed. It is normal to be faced with such situations.
In case of unusual circumstances, please do not hesitate to consult to your specialist dentist.