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Restorative dental treatment is a branch of science that repairs the loss of substances caused by caries or non-caries in the hard tissues of the teeth and contributes to the regain of lost aesthetics appearance and function of the teeth to the patient.

In addition, it is a science that gives patients an aesthetic appearance by changing the teeth shapes and colors in the field of AESTHETIC DENTISTRY.

What Are The Aesthetic Restorations To The Front Teeth?

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers can be preferred in teeth that require shape changes.  Nowadays, restorations can be made in natural tooth color with front dental composites.

Porcelain Veneer Restorations (Lamina)

Lamina restorations; it is a treatment method for aesthetic purposes in the front group teeth. Only the front surfaces of the teeth are corroded and the prepared teeth are measured, then the laminas prepared in laboratory are bonded to the patient’s teeth in the second session.

Frequently Asked Questions

*Is It Possible to Save the Excessively Damaged Teeth?

Before porcelain crowning, the existing tooth can be strengthened by taking support from the root canal of the excessively damaged teeth with the treatment option called post-core. This is a procedure that is sometimes completed in a single session and sometimes it may take several sessions according to the type of used material.

*Can A Tooth Be Crowned Alone?

The tooth, which is extremely damaged or aesthetically unacceptable, can be treated by crowning it with various materials alone.

*What Does Porcelain Lamina, Commonly Known As Leaf Porcelain, Mean?

Porcelain laminas are very thin porcelain structures that bonded to the front surfaces of the teeth. With porcelain laminas gaps between the teeth can be closed, the teeth can be lengthened and reshaped. On the other hand, owing to the the porcelain laminas the broken, cracked and excessively discolorated teeth can be made aesthetically beautiful.

In addition, in those who want permanent whiteness who do not like the color of the tooth, in patients who do not like their smile, for the purpose of smile design, in the teeth discolored due to antibiotics usage, in the correction of slightly crooked teeth that not necessary orthodontic treatment can be corrected in a few sessions.

* How To Make Porcelain Laminates?

After the decision is made, your tooth is prepared for porcelain laminates. Enamel tissue less than 1 millimeter is often removed from the front and cutting surface of your tooth and measured from your tooth.  With the help of this measure, almost leaf-thick porcelain laminates in the appropriate color that suitable for the theeth and complete the smile are made and then bonded to your teeth with special adhesives.

*What Is Dental Caries?

Dental caries are tooth hard tissue loss that develops when the tooth surfaces can not be cleaned adequately after the taking of caries-causing nutrients such as sugars and carbohydrates. Teeth cavities can occur in different periods of time, depending on the resistance of the patient’s tooth structure to the caries. During this time, bacteria break down sugars to acid form and this situation causes damaging of tooth hard tissues. If teeth caries are very superficially delimited (limited in enamel tissue) and is in its start stage, it can be treated without restoring it, but if it progresses through the enamel and reached the dentine, it must be restored.

*How Do We Know That We Have Dental Caries?

In the teeth, sensitivity to cold and sugary nutrients indicates dental caries. The appearance of gray-brownish stains on the teeth may also indicate that the dental caries. In order to detect tooth caries, patients should have a routine dental examination every year.  With oral examination and low-dose radiography, new caries can be detected, caries can be detected and restored without causing too much damage to the teeth.

*What Should Be Make To Prevent Dental Caries?

Teeth should be actively brushed twice a day (teeth need to be brushed after eating sugary and sticky foods).  It is recommended using the correct toothpaste and toothbrush that be suggested by the dentist, using dental floss and having dental check-up regularly every six months.

*Should Amalgam Restorations (Silver Fillings) Be Replaced With Composites (White Restorations)?

If new tooth caries are observed under or on the edge of amalgam restorations, composite (white restoration) can be replaced by restoration according to the type of tooth tissue loss. Composite restorations are aesthetic restoration materials with polymer structure that in natural tooth color, which are often used in both front and posterior group teeth.

*What Can Be Done To Whiten The Teeth?

Toothpastes with whitening qualification can be used in a controlled manner. Professional tooth cleaning can be done, superficial stains can be cleaned.

Home Type Whitening

A special whitening plaque is prepared by the dentist. With the use of whitening drugs for a certain period of time (8-16 days), the teeth can be whitened until two to three hues. It is a procedure that must be performed under the control of the dentist.

Office Type Whitening

Depending on the tooth color, combined whitening methods, in which the home and office type are applied to the patients together, have been preferred more in recent years.

*Can The Teeth That Have Been Treated With Root Canal Treatment Be Whitened?

It is possible to whiten the tooth with special whiteners, which have been treated with root canals (darkened). The dentist can whiten the teeth that darken by applying the whitening medicine in two to three sessions.

Restoration Of Teeth With Excessive Loss Of Substances (Restoration of Teeth Treated With Root Canal Treatment)

Inlay-onlay restorations are aesthetic restorations prepared in accordance with tooth color (composite-ceramic) in the teeth with a lot of substance loss. Such restorations prepared outside the mouth and completed in laboratory conditions after taking traditional or digital measurements. These structures are glued to the teeth in the second session. Restorations completed outside the mouth fully adapt to the teeth, their aesthetic properties are completed under laboratory conditions and they show high resistance to incoming forces.

* What Are the Aesthetic Restorations To The Front Teeth?

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers can be preferred in teeth that fracture and requires shape changes and it can be closed the gaps between the teeth. Nowadays, restorations can be made in natural tooth color with aesthetic composite materials without a make any corrosion in tooth hard tissues.

Porcelain Veneers Restorations (Veneer)

Lamina restorations; it is a treatment method for aesthetic purposes in the front group teeth. Only the front surfaces of the teeth are abrased within the limits of enamel and the prepared teeth are measured, rehearsals are made before the production of laminas and the patient’s wishes are noted. Then porcelain laminas prepared under laboratory conditions are bonded to the teeth in the following sessions.

*What Are The Causes And Treatment Methods of Tooth Abrasions?

The Reasons Are;

Brushing teeth very hard, excessive consumption of acidic foods and beverages , the use of false toothpaste (use of products with excess a corrosive properties), brushing teeth more than two to three times a day and brushing teeth incorrectly, bad habits (tooth grinding and clenching, pen chewing, etc.).

Prevention Of Tooth Abrasion

Horizontal or vertical brushing should be avoided in a spesific area. The teeth should be brushed in seven to eight circular movements in this area and all tooth surfaces (cheek, tongue-palate and chewing surfaces) should be cleaned by sliding forward a brush length. In general, a medium hard brush should be used. Electric/rechargeable toothbrushes that do not allow hard brushing can also be used.

Toothpaste of the type of gel containing fluoride (reduced abrasive) should be used to prevent tooth wear. Fluoride mouthwashes can be used. It should not avoid products containing fluoride and should be used to prevent tooth enamel from abrasion. Teeth should not be brushed immediately after acidic foods and beverages, brushing should be done after two to three hours. Acidic beverages should be drunk with straws. In teeth with a lot of substance loss, lightened composites (white filling) should be made if yellow tissue (dentin) appears with the loss of enamel tissue and sensitivity developed.

*Is There A Laser Dental Treatment?

With LASER, it is possible to clean dental caries painlessly. With LASER, the tooth can be reshaped before restoration. With LASER, brown gum stains can be removed, gum shaping can be done and teeth whitening can be performed.

* Are Toothpastes Effective Against Sensitivity?

Support is obtained from toothpastes in the treatment of sensitivity, but the most important thing is to eliminate the factor that causes sensitivity. As a result of the dental examination, appropriate toothpaste is recommended according to the type of sensitivity, cause and severity. Good results are obtained when used in combination with the necessary treatments.

*Does Dental Caries Cause Pain?

In the teeth, sensitivity to cold and sugary foods indicates the tooth caries. This sensitivity should not be supposed as pain.

When tooth caries progresses until too deep of the teeth (reaching the nerve of the tooth), they cause toothache and at this stage there may be a need for root canal treatment. Cleaning the cavity and restoring the tooth without waiting for the tooth cause to ache will be the healthiest approach before reaching this stage.  

Due to the caries, there may be increased pain after eating in the form of pressure with the filling of food residue in the cavity formed on the surface of the tooth. This type of pain is caused by the compression of the gums, the gums bleeding can be occur. The pain is reduced by cleaning the interproximal area. This problem will be prevented by cleaning and restoring teeth caries.

*Can Everyone Get Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening can be applied in every healthy oral structure. Before teeth whitening, the dentist checks the suitability of the teeth;

There should not be any crackage, abrasions in the tooth enamel. There should be no excessive sensitivity to the teeth. In people with parafunctional habits (tooth grinding and clenching..), these habits should be controlled first and then new crack formation and abrasions should be prevented. Gum health should be checked, if necessary, gum treatment should be done as first stage. In people who have smoking, drinking coffee/tea frequently habits should be reduced first. Whitening will not be effective on teeth which have excess yellow/brownish stains (sourced by fluorosis or tetracycline). Teeth with a lesion (periapical pathology) at the root end should not be whitened. Whitening should not be applied to individuals under the age of 14.

*Can Toothpastes With Whitening Properties Be Useful?

Toothpastes with high abrasion properties will remove the stains on the tooth surface in the first stage, but it will cause abrasion and striations in the tooth enamel during long-lasting usage. This situation can be caused the teeth looking more yellow.

Whitening pastes with less abrasive properties should be used for a certain period of time, and aggressive brushing by pressing the toothbrush to make the teeth look whiter should be prevented.

*Can Whitening Procedure Be Applied On Single Tooth? Or Is It Necessary To Apply It To The Whole Mouth?

Whitening can be applied to one tooth or several teeth.  Usually, the canine teeth may be more yellow than other teeth due to its structure and position in the mouth. Whitening can also be applied for 4 canine teeth.

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