Removable Aligner (Invisalign) Treatment
Do You Offer Invisible Removable Aligner or Aesthetic Options? I don’t like old-fashioned metal brackets.
Owing to the advance technologies, orthodontic treatments can be made with braces in the color of the teeth, lingual brackets placed on the back of the teeth or removable aligner (invisalign).
What Is Invisalign Treatment?
Invisalign treatment is digital orthodontic treatment technology, which correct your teeth with removable aligner made suitable for your teeth without using braces. Orthodontic treatment with removable aligner is preferred because it is applied to treat the crooked teeth with removable aligner without using braces.
- It does not affect your daily life, it is a dental treatment without the use of braces.
- Owing to the use of removable aligner technology, it is almost invisible in the mouth.
- On your special days (weddings, graduations, business meetings, etc.), you can remove your aligner and take a break from treatment for a few hours.
- Invisalign (removable aligner treatment) can be applied to both young people and adults.
- Braces and metals are not included in the scope of treatment.
- Owing to the in-mouth scanner, preliminary information of the result can be seen.
How To Move The Teeth Without Braces?
How To Produce Removable Aligner According To Dental Movement?
• Your orthodontist takes measurements from inside of the mouth.
• It is transferred to the computer by 3D scanning method called CAD-CAM system.
• The teeth movement can be observed digitally via computer simulation.
• Removable aligner is produced according to each 0.05 mm movement.
How Long Should Removable Aligners Used During The Day?
Will I Be Able To See End Of The Treatment Before My Invisalign Treatment?
Before your treatment plan is created online, you can see the result of the treatment via 3D technology. You can also observe the movement of your teeth in a virtually during treatment.
How Often Should Be Controls Made During Invisalign Treatment?
Your controls are scheduled to be once a month. 2 new removable aligners will be delivered to the patient at each control. Aligners are replaced every 15 days. For example, if 20 transparent aligners are produced for your treatment, your treatment will continue approximately 10 months. If transportation is provided for treatment from different countries or cities, a separate planning can be provided between the patient and the dentist.
How To Care The Invisalign Aligners?
Every morning and evening, you can clean your invisalign aligner under warm water with a toothbrush. You can also prefer to use the prosthetic cleaning tablets.
Can I Start My Invisalign Treatment Immediately?
It can take an average of 1-1.5 months for your measurements to be sent abroad, your treatment plan to be created with the online system and invisalign aligner to be produced and reached the clinic. Although this period may seem like a disadvantage, the result of your treatment is clear at the beginning of the treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign Treatment
*Is Invisalign Treatment Painful?
A pressure is required to allow the teeth movement. When you use removable aligner for the first time, it is a normal and expected process to feel pressure. It is normal to feel pressure for 1-2 days in each aligner serie change process.
*Does Invisalign Treatment Affect Speech?
After 1-2 days of adaptation period, there is no situation that can affect your speech. If you need to talk for a very long time in a meeting, you can remove invisalign aligner for 1-2 hours.
*Does Smoking Cause The Discoloration Of Removable Aligners?
If you smoke too much, your removable aligners will also turn yellow compare to a non-smoker after a certain time. However, this situation will not be excessive as you will change your invisalign aligners every 15 days.
* Can Removable Aligners Be Used Only At Nights?
In order to move your teeth, the force must be continuously. Therefore, the usage of removable aligners only at night will not finish your treatment as desired.
*Can I Use Invisalign While Swimming Or Doing Sport?
You can continue the daily activities during orthodontic treatments.
*What Is The Material Content Used In Manufacturing Of Invisalign?
Invisalign aligner do not contain Bisphenol-A or phthalates, that are used in baby bottles and pet bottles which was banned from use by Canada, the UNITED States and the European Union. Because they cause many health problems. For this reason, removable aligner treatment with Invisalign is also used in pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc.
*Will Attachments (small natural tooth-colored protrusions glued to the teeth during invisalign treatment) Remain Until The End of Treatment?
Yes, usually these attachments remain on your teeth from the beginning to the end of the treatment. Some attachments may change their location during treatment. When your treatment is finished, all of these attachments are cleaned from the surface of the tooth.
*Do I Have Extra Appliance Inserted Into My Mouth During Invisalign Treatment, Except For Attachments?
Generally, patients are not required to use anything other than attachments in the treatment of invisalign. However, in some severe cases, only dental elastic bands usage can be required at nights. In addition, mini screw systems can be applied during invisalign treatment in severe cases. All these procedures will be explained to you in detail by your orthodontist after your first examination.
*I Lost My Transparent Aligner That I Actively Used, What Should I Do?
For example, if you have lost your actively used aligner 11, you can use the passive aligner 10 in your red storage container until you go to your orthodontic specialist. Passive aligners should be used for an average of 20-22 hours a day.
*There’s Some Writing On My Invisalign Aligner What Does That Mean?
On one side of the Invisalign aligner take place your patient code number and invisalign logo. On the other side, for the upper jaw the “U” and for the lower jaw the “L” letters are take place and the sign number
is also written. For example: for the top 25 number writes U25, and for the bottom 15 number writes L15.
*Can Any Dentist Perform The Invisalign Treatment?
In order to perform invisalign treatment, dentists must first obtain a certificate. Invisalign treatment must be done by an orthodontist. You can find a list of orthodontic specialists who perform Invisalign treatment in Turkey at
*What Is The Duration of Orthodontic Treatment?
The duration of treatment may vary depending on a patient. Simple cases can take only a few months to treat, while a full closing correction can take several years. The specialist orthodontist will give predictive information about the duration of treatment after examination, but this is only an estimate.
*I Visited Several Orthodontics Specialist And Each of Them Said Different Things About The Treatment, What Should I Do?
There is not a single “right” treatment methode. As long as all the doctors you consult are orthodontists, it’s all true. Each orthodontist has its own planning and treatment method. The only thing to consider when choosing a doctor is to make sure that expertise. As in all specialty branches at DT GROUP CLINICS, we have a very experienced expert orthodontist in the dentistry branch of orthodontics.
*Is It Possible To Have Braces Only One Jaw? Because I Only Have Crooked Teeth on Lower Jaw.
It depends on orthodontic examination.The orthodontist not only correct your teeth, but also aligns the relationship between the two jaws, so it is almost often necessary to treat both jaws together.
Proper Time And Age To Start Orthodontic Treatment
Your child’s first orthodontic check should not be late than seven years old. Although the teeth appear to be properly sorted at this age, there
may be a hidden closing problem. There are some tips that point to these problems:
Unbalanced face and jaw structure, breathing orally in function (such as chewing, talking) and difficulty at closing ,finding bad habits such as finger sucking, nail-biting, cheek and lip biting, excessively positioned jaw structures, front-positioned teeth, do not come into contact with the teeth in the lower and upper jaw or close abnormally, early or late losses of primary teeth, presence of teeth positioned in the wrong place.
Owing to the appliance and braces placed on the back of the teeth, the crooked teeth can be eliminated unnoticed. It can be applied to adults and school-aged childrens. Patients who do not want to use braces can receive orthodontic treatment with removable aligners produced specifically for the person. They just need to use these transparent aligners regularly, except for meals. If a problem is detected at this age, your orthodontist will guide you on the best time to start treatment.
What Are The Points To Be Considered About Oral-Dental Care During Orthodontic Treatment?
After each meal, the teeth should be brushed as described by your orthodontist. It should be cleaned at least once a day using tooth brushes, interface brushes and floss. For the control of caries and gums, you should go to the dentist regularly. Appointments should be made without interruption during orthodontic treatment. The apparatus necessary for treatment should be used regularly in the shape and time described. Sticky foods (such as sugar, gum, caramel) that may cause appliances to deteriorate, break or exit should not be consumed. Hard food (such as cookies, carrots, toast) should be avoided as much as possible, food should be eaten in small bites and biting with front teeth should be avoided. Fruits with seeds in them should be eaten by removing the seeds. The process of getting used to apare takes about 7-10 days. Sometimes there may be pain and sensibility in the teeth,
while injuries may also be seen in the oral tissues. When such situations are faced with, you should act according to the recommendations given by your orthodontist and in case of continuousness contact with your doctor. GET YOUR ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT FROM AN ORTHODONTIC EXPERT.
What Are The Advantages That Can Be Achieved With Early Treatment?
It guides jaw growth and smoother positioning of permanent teeth on the jaw structures. Bad habits that can damage teeth and surrounding tissues are prevented. The structure and dysfunctions of the upper respiratory tract are treated by working in coordination with the relevant medical branches. In particular, the possibility of fractures due to the future positioning of the upper front teeth is prevented. By improving the physical appearance of the patient, social self-confidence is improved.
Even if your child is over seven years old, it is very important to carry out an orthodontic examination. Most active orthodontic treatments start between the ages of 9 and 14. However, it should be noted that adults can also benefit from orthodontic treatment. Although brackets and braces are the first children that come to mind when considering them, today many adults resort to orthodontic treatment in order to find solutions to both aesthetic and functional problems. Thanks to today’s technology, less visible and more comfortable brackets make treatment more attractive than before. Healthy teeth, bones and gums respond positively to treatment at almost any age.
Orthognathic (jaw) surgery is the treatment method carried out by orthodontics and jaw surgery from dentistry branches in order to
improve both functionality (chewing, speech) and aesthetic appearance in patients with advanced disordered jaw skeletal structure. Orthognatic (jaw) surgery is a surgical procedure that allows improvements to the jaw skeletal structure in cases where the jaw closures are incompatible with each other and the lower jaw is highly front, back or asymmetrical compared to the upper jaw.
How Is Orthognatic Surgery Performed?
At DT GROUP CLINICS, our patients are consulted by our Orthodontic and Oral Jaw Surgery specialists after computer-aided cetoolometric, panoramic and 3D imaging before orthognatic surgery, and then appropriate treatment planning is prepared for the patient. After our patients accept the treatment plan we recommend to them, the appointments are organized and the treatment process is initiated. The first step of treatment is the orthodontic treatment process, which will last an average of 1-2 years.
Before proceeding to the surgical step, the closures of the teeth on the jaws should be corrected. With the brace treatment applied, the teeth are brought to their positions where they should be and the jaw closures are ensured to be correct.
After the orthodontic treatment process is completed and the teeth on the jaw are in the right positions, the patient is directed to our jaw surgery clinic to plan the surgical process. Our jaw surgery performs the examination of our patient with 3D imaging and informs our patient about the procedure to be performed. After the surgical planning, the surgical stage is initiated with the approval of our patient. Our patient who undergoes a recovery period of approximately 1 month after orthognatic surgery has a final stage of orthodontic treatment that will last for 6-12 months. This treatment is the first orthodontic and corrective surgical treatment that ensures that the positions of the teeth are permanent.